BOTG is committed to creating an environment where all participants are treated with respect and dignity. We value diversity in race, disability, gender, sexuality, socio-economic background, faith and age. Everyone is welcome and warmly encouraged to attend auditions.
Directed by Malakai Vieira
Musical Directed by Jennifer Peace
Produced by Beth Poad

In a Berlin nightclub, as the 1920's draw to a close, a garish Master of Ceremonies welcomes the audience and assures them they will forget all their troubles at the Cabaret. With the Emcee's bawdy songs as wry commentary, Cabaret explores the dark, heady, and tumultuous life of Berlin's natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the emerging Third Reich.
November 8: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
November 11: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Callbacks November 13: 10am -1:30pm
An audition slot may be reserved online at
Please arrive at least 15 minutes in advance.
Please come prepared with a song from the show, or one of your choosing. If you are using a backing track, it will be up to you to provide the audio to accompany you. Some audio equipment (speaker and some connecting cords) will be made available however please ensure that you are prepared with the right materials in exceptional cases (i.e., you are using a CD).
No monologue will be required.
There will be a dance/movement portion to the audition for all abled body auditionees. Please wear or bring a change of comfortable clothes for you to freely move in.
**Due to the narrative of the story and historical content please see disclosure below on character requirements.
Wearing of Nazi memorabilia: Bobby, Victor, Ernst Ludwig, Improv Ensemble, Minor Ensemble, German Ensemble.
Wearing revealing and/or suggestive costuming: Sally Bowles, Fraulein Kost, Cabaret Girls/Boys.
Wearing of Identification badges used during WW2: Emcee, Herr Schulz, Cabaret Girls, Hans and Herman, Jewish/Improv/Minor/Musician Ensemble
Handling of stage weapons (handguns): Ernst Ludwig, Bobby, Victor, Max, MP German & Improve Ensemble
Having Stage weapons pointed near them: Emcee, Fraulein Schneider, Herr Schultz, Jewish & Minor Ensemble
Emcee - VR: Tenor (middle C to high C#) - Searching for an exuberant individual to play the hilarious and haunting Master of Ceremonies. This song and dance figure is sexually ambiguous/gender non-conforming whose strong presence is both playful and mysterious. This captivating character is dark, comedic, vulgar, yet lovable and has many sides to explore. Must be very comfortable with suggestive movement with men and women, as well as audience interaction. Speaks with a German accent. Age guideline: 20-45
Sally Bowles - VR: Mezzo/Alto (low E3 to high C5) - Seeking a captivating and outgoing female presenting individual to portray the quirky, free-spirited young woman headlining at the Kit-Kat Club. This commonly misunderstood character struggles with her realities and the reality of those around her, trapped in her own game of tug of war. Must be a strong mover and comfortable with moments of intimacy and bawdy staging. Speaks with a British accent. Age guideline: 18-30
Clifford (Cliff) Bradshaw - VR: Tenor (low A to high E) - A cautious yet curious young presenting man (a writer), to be played by someone with passion and feeling. This individual is observational in nature and generally inquisitive, roped into the lively and vibrant underground party scene of Berlin. Educated, reserved, and unexposed to the strong personalities of the Kit-Kat crowd, he struggles with his own journey of sexuality, identity, and acceptance as a closeted queer. Comfortable with stage movement and speaks with a North American accent. Age guideline: 25-35
Fräulein Schneider - VR: Alto (low D to Ab above middle C) - In search of a mature presenting woman who is strong willed but kind-hearted, to characterize the landlady who rents rooms to Cliff, Sally, and several other characters in her large flat. Comes across as cold or reserved at times but deeply longs for companionship to ease her lonely heart. Politically torn; often judgemental of people yet quick to turn her head away for others. Comfortable with light movement (waltz). Age guideline: 50+
Herr Schultz - VR: Tenor (low G to high F) - Looking for an endearing, mature presenting gentleman to portray the sweet and lovable fruit stand owner. A hopeless romantic who falls for Fraulein Schneider, capturing her heart in an attentive, heartwarming way. Is a practicing Jew who is politically naive and too romantically distracted to see the turmoil erupting in Germany. Comfortable with light movement (waltz). Age guideline: 50+
Ernst Ludwig - VR: Flexible (sings in chorus) - Searching for a charismatic male presenting performer to take on the friendly and likable German who commissions English lessons from Cliff. Is later revealed as a smuggler and up and coming political figure in the Nazi political party. Must be comfortable with some light movement (waltz) and speaks with a German accent. Age guideline: 30-50
Fräulein Kost - VR: Alto/Mezzo (low A flat to high F) - In need of a larger than life, vivacious individual to perform the female presenting prostitute who has a way with sailors. Best described as a determined woman, is often misjudged as abrasive, and closed off. Extremely comfortable in her own skin, this performer will need to exhibit a strong sexual and commanding nature, who moves well. Speaks with a German accent. Age guideline: 25-45
Kit-Kat “Girls” - VR: Various - Maria, Lulu, Rosie, Fritzie, Texas, and Frenchie! Calling all female presenting performers to create the eclectic crew of captivating ladies at the cabaret club. Although this group is a mix of types and are not necessarily a matching unit, it is very important they dance/move succinctly when necessary, and act/move with confidence. Will be part of various scenes in and out of the club, some making cameos in featured numbers. Performers must be comfortable with their femininity and scanty costumes that show off sex appeal, while also interacting with the audience. Age guideline: 18-40
Kit-Kat “Boys” - VR: Various - Bobby, Victor, Hans, and Herman! Calling all male presenting performers to create the sensual group of alluring young-men at the cabaret club. Exciting and seductively captivating, these individuals will add to the mystery and luster of the establishment in a masculine yet sexually ambiguous way. Will be part of various scenes in and out of the club, some making cameos in featured numbers. Strong dancers/movers with partner experience are an asset. Performers must be comfortable with their sexuality and scanty costumes that show off sex appeal, while also interacting with the audience. Age guideline: 18-40
Max - VR: Flexible (sings in chorus) - Seeking a male presenting performer to play the proprietor of the Kit Kat Klub, revealed also to be Sally's former boyfriend. Age guideline: 30-50
German Ensemble - VR: Various - Seeking actors/actresses and singers of all abilities to be featured as German/Nazi characters throughout the performance. Age guideline: 18+
Jewish Ensemble - VR: Various - Seeking actors/actresses and singers of all abilities to be featured as Jewish characters throughout the performance. Age guideline: 18+
Musician Ensemble - VR: Various - Seeking strong actors/actresses with exceptional vocal skills to be featured throughout the performance and prologue (preshow)/intermission. Playing of an instrument an asset. Age guideline: 18+
Improv Ensemble - VR: Various - Seeking strong actors/actresses with exceptional improvisation skills to be featured throughout the performance and prologue (preshow)/intermission. Age guideline: 18+
Minor Ensemble - VR: Various - Seeking youth to be featured in “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” and other scenes throughout the show. Age guideline: 8-12
We welcome performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, abilities/exceptionalities, and body types.